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the solution that will transform your Android smartphone into a POS


Coming soon...


The most modern technology for Acquirers or Sub-Acquirers who wish to go beyond the payment relationship with retail and seek to bring to the market a new concept of innovation and integration of Consumers, Retailers and Developers into Payments, Automation and Services.

ícone de lojistas


The relationship between Acquirers/Sub-acquirers and Merchants traditionally is limited to Payments. With PayStore®, the relationship expands with the offering of applications with tools for Automation and Services to retain accredited Merchants and help them sell more.

ícone android


In the past, Acquirers/Sub-acquirers rarely allowed the creation and distribution of applications from third-party developers on their terminals. PayStore® enables accredited developers to create and publish their applications for SmartPOS, POS (Point-of-Sale), and mPOS (without a printer) terminals in a controlled manner.

ícone de consumidores #phygital


Consumers can experience new ways of interacting with Merchants accredited by Acquirers/Sub-acquirers who use PayStore®. Loyalty programs, offers, rewards, and digital stores allow the #Phygital concept, also known as omnichannel (integration of physical with digital), to be incorporated into Acquirers/Sub-acquirers so that they engage the consumer before, during, and after the consumption relationship.


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Telas do portal de gestão


ícone de adquirentes
  • Accreditation of Merchants, Terminals, and Developers.

  • Distribution and updating of your Payments Apps, with segmented publication control.

  • Integration APIs of your Payment Apps for partner Developer Apps.

  • Review, distribution and updating of Developer Apps, with segmented publication control.

  • Configuration of the visual standard of terminals and portals.

  • Monitoring and tracking of Payment transactions.

  • Restful APIs for integration with back-office systems.


ícone de subadquirentes
  • Accreditation of its Retailers and Terminals.

  • Review, distribution and updating of Developer Apps, with segmented publication control.

  • Configuration of the visual pattern of terminals and portals.

  • Monitoring and monitoring of Payment transactions.

  • Restful API's for integration with backoffice systems.


ícone de android
  • SDKs for creating and integrating your apps with the Payment App.

  • Development of your apps for POS and mini POS Script terminals.

  • Development of your apps for SmartPOS terminals using Android technology.

  • Publication of your apps for review and distribution in the PayStore app store.

ícone de lojistas


  • Use of Payment Apps and Developer Apps to better manage your business and serve your Consumers.

  • Monitoring of Payment transactions.


  • Payment App PayStore for SmartPOS, POS, and miniPOS terminals with Multi-EC concept (multiple Merchants sharing the same terminal).

  • Portals for Acquirer, Sub-acquirer, Developer, and Merchant.

  • App Store for SmartPOS, POS, and mPOS with remote update for the Payment App and Developer Apps.

  • Integration switch with Acquirers and Card Networks.

  • Availability and scalability: cloud environment with 24x7 monitoring.

  • Guaranteed security! PCI-DSS 3.2 and PCI-PIN 3.1 certification.

  • Multi-Acquirer solution: consult certified acquirers.

ícone de loja digital
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